Ukrainian president Volodmyr Zelenskyy President Donald Trump's speech towards Russian President Vladimir Putin said about negotiating an agreement to end the war or facing more economic pressure is “Adel”.
“This is exactly what Putin is afraid of. He does not want Trump to support Strong Ukraine because he will be a strong Ukraine,” Zelinski said through a translator in an exclusive interview on Tuesday.
Trump threatened Putin in a Social truth last weekCall him to make a deal or confront additional tariffs and penalties.
“I settled now, and stop this funny war! It will get worse. If we do not make a” deal “, and soon I have no other option but to put high levels of taxes, definitions and sanctions on anything and Trump wrote:” Selling it by Russia to the United States, and different Other participating countries. “
Zelenskyy indicated that since the full invasion of 2022, Ukraine has once regained 50 % of the lands Russian soldiers.
“We would like to achieve a fair end to this war. We are not afraid. Russia is not strong, but we do not want to lose more of our lives, men and women,” said Sean Hanity.
Nashef Nashee Nadeh said in early January (January Killed in Ukraine Since the beginning of the war.
Zelenskyy added that Putin does not want to put an end to the war, and Ukraine will not get to know its territory.
He called for more international Click on PutinSpecifically from China, so it is possible to agree, as well as “broader guarantees for security”.
“I think the guarantees from Europe alone will not be enough,” Zelinski said. “Europeans understand that without guarantees for security from the United States, From President TrumpIt will not be enough. Putin is not afraid of Europe. Unfortunately, this is the case. “
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The Ukrainian president explained that before Russia's invasion, he personally asked former President Joe Biden and his team to take preventive measures, such as Penal sanctions on RussiaAnd its forces and tanks also gathered on the borders of Ukraine.
Zelenskyy also requested weapons, but he says he was told that he would be presented “if” invaded Russia.
“Parallel to that, I was asking the European Union countries, and they could not do this without approval () from the United States. So they always look at the leader, the United States, as a leader. During the big invasionThe Ukrainians left alone, and we were fighting alone. ”
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“If President Trump has the will to force Putin to reach peace, he can do this,” Zelinski continued, saying that he hopes that there will be a possible agreement more than just a paper. “We want it to be by justice, on the side of Ukraine.”