Midelbury College The spokeswoman, who starts from the students, encouraged her colleagues and graduates to withdraw their donations, and instead supports the people of Gaza during her speech.
Films, media, culture and environmental studies were chosen by pioneering Fayth Wood from a committee of students to represent the graduation class on Saturday with a final title. She spoke to the chapter wearing a rainbow scarf and Kefiyeh and greatly saddened Gazan cities.
I suggest School accountability When you claim that the school’s fault is in the suffering of Gaza through their jeep books.
Wood said: “Being a young woman in Midelbury College gives you strength in this world. It can be to take advantage of that collective power in this room this difference. The first step, Midelbury. Then, in the world,” Wood said. “Here is one thing you can do. Open the posts that people have delivered and pledge to donate any money that you may have to Middlebury to the Relief and United Agency.”
She concluded that “even Middpeberry explains his commitment to giving priority to education here and everywhere on profit by getting rid of war, there is nothing like a broken heart.
Earlier in her speech, Wood summoned the school for “long and beautiful” while schools are destroyed in Gaza.
Wood said: “There is nothing simply as students in eleven of the ten Nesk (the New England Conference of the Sports College) deserve that eleven higher education institutions in Gaza do not deserve either,” Wood said.
She also regretted the “sudden” situation that she and her colleagues find after President Donald Trump returned to his post.
“We gradually graduated in the same month in which the fascist took office. Within 11 days, he withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement for the second time, denied the existence of transit people and unleashed a large number of ice agents to arrest a thousand people on average a thousand people every day since If they start. “
Fox News digital I arrived at the Middlebberry College for comment.
Last year, Fox News Digital reported that Standwithus (SWU) presented a A lawsuit against Middpeberry College On the pretext that the school “failed terribly to provide sufficient protection for Jewish students who seek to treat anti -Semitic intolerance on the campus.” Students at MiddleBry also requested not to disclose their identity for their comments for fear of revenge.
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