With the value of another year Graphic It has been distributed, it's time to check the Grammy Prize records and all the big names that you broke over the history of six -year awards.
Taylor Swift Skip 2019 Grammys – instead they choose it The attendance of the British Academic Film Awards with her boyfriend Joe Alwin – But it crashed a record in 2010 when it was still on the rural side of pop music. Swift was barely from adolescence at the time, but the record for the youngest Grammy Prize winner was younger than 12 years old when she won.
Beyonce and Jay Z It was also not the applicant at the 2019 party, but in 2021-and always left myths in the eyes of the Academy of Registration. Jay Z tune Queens Jones For most nominations (80), Beyonce set a record in 2010 Adele It tied in 2012, as detailed in the exhibition below. Queen Bey is also the most decorating artists in all times.
Billy EarthFor its part, the 2020 Awards showed a victory in the largest categories of the night, including the year album, the year of the year, the year recorded and the best new artist. In addition, she was only 18 years old at the time.
“(Billy) was very grateful, clearly, and there were many friends there,” her brother, and her brother. Finnas O'ConNNELLHe said Vogue Magazine In February 2020. Hope that this is a kind of equality, but after the third in a row … well, we love all our candidates. “
The producer indicated that he was withdrawing for him Lizo or Night people x. “If I bet anyone, I would have lost money in the United States to win everything,” he said.
“I thought that” the truth hurts me, “Old Town Road will win the year's song because it was. I was hoped for the year album, and this is what I really proud of because I love listening to this front album back. This was the only one that you liked, “perhaps!”
Despite Jay Z, Beyonce, Bruce Springstinand Kanye West and Steve Wen They won 20 or more Grammy Awards yet, not one of these artists is about to overcome the record for most Grammy wins for life. Pass down to see this recording holder and many stars that you should need prizes that need reinforcements.