In a humorous turn during the second T20i between India and England In Chennai, commentators Ravi Shastri and Sunil Gavaskar Soothing fun in Harry BrockEarlier he made remarks about the smog in Kolkata, which he claimed affected his vision in the first T20i. Brook struggles against the Indian spinner Varun Chakravarthy He continued, even in Chennai, where smog was not a factor.
Varun Chakravarthy Outfoxes Harry Brook again
Chakravarthy gave another stunning performance, dismissing Brooke for the second time in the series. During the first T20i at Eden Gardens, Brook cited a claim as the reason for his dismissal, claiming that it hampered his ability to pick out Chakravarthy's deliveries.
“Chakravarthy is an exceptionally good bowler. But with the smog the other night, it was very difficult to choose. Hopefully the air is a little clearer here and we can see the ball a little easier. Facing spin in T20 cricket is probably the hardest thing in the game, especially because I'm always trying to bowl it out perfectly.” Brock said while speaking to the Daily Telegraph.
However, in clear Chennai conditions, Chakravarthy's skill proved to be Brook's undoing once again, silencing the previous excuse.
See also: Ind vs Eng – Varun Chakravarthy cleans up Harry Brook with Jaffa in the second T20I
Ravi Shastri and Sunil Gavaskar are hilarious
When Brook walked to the pavilion after being bowled over by Chakravarthy in the Chennai T20i, Shastri couldn't resist taking a knock, commenting, “Again, Varun Chakravarthy. You don't need smog. This is sneaking in and crashing into the stumps.” Gavaskar joined in on the banter, adding, “Varun Chakravarthy looks at him, maybe asking if there is any blur?” Hilarious remarks left the comment box in chuckles, perfectly capturing the light-hearted tone of the match.