Riferside, California, January 23, 2025 (Globe Neuns) – Financial property savings (Nasdaq :), Inc. (Companyi), Nasdaq GS: PRIC, Holding Company for the Virtual Steel Bank, FSB, today announced that the company’s board of directors announced the distribution of quarterly cash profits of $ 0.14 per share. The shareholders of the company's joint stocks are entitled at the end of work on February 13, 2025, to obtain cash dividends. The cash dividends will be paid on March 6, 2025.
A safe statement Harbour
Some issues in this journalistic statement may constitute an aslaw data in the meaning of the laws reform in the 1995 for the year 1995. These aspecting data may be linked, among other things, the business environment in which the company operates, the expectations of future performance, and the opportunities in the market , And possible future credit experience, data related to the company's task and vision. These aspiration data are based on current management expectations, and therefore, may involve risks and doubts. The actual results of the company, its performance, or its achievements may differ from that proposed or express it, or implicitly with aspects as a result of a wide range of factors, including, to name a few, public business environment, interest rates, interest rates real estate market in California, and circumstances Competitiveness between banks and non-banking financial service providers, organizational changes, and other detailed risks in the company's reports deposited with the Securities and Exchange Authority, including its annual report on the 10-K Fund for the financial year ending June 30, 2024.
Communication authorities:
Donavon P. Ternes
President and
chief executive officer
Tamhao B. Noguyen
First Vice President and
Financial Director
(951) 686-6060
Source: Provident Financial Holdings, Inc.