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Microsoft Mustafa Soleyman, the head of artificial intelligence, stolen his former colleagues at Google Deepmind who built the famous podcast generation feature, where the competing companies race to build profitable applications of advanced technology.
Suleiman, a British businessman who participated in the establishment of DeepMind in 2010, I rented Marco Tagliasacchi and Zalán Borsos, two senior scientists behind “Voice Overview”, which is part of Google Ai Research Notebooklm. The feature allows users to convert the text into a sound that contains an attractive conversation podcast pattern.
The husband also worked on AstraAI's next AI agent from DeepMind, which can answer questions in actual time via video, sound and text.
A third rental from DeepMind, Matthias Minderer, will focus on developing vision capabilities, or ability Amnesty International Models for analyzing photo. The researchers will join the new artificial intelligence laboratory from Microsoft in Zurich.
The three men announced their moves on Tuesday. A person familiar with the appointments said that the researchers were an integral part of driving Suleiman to build the next generation of Copilot, where Microsoft seeks to create an interactive Artificial intelligence agents Which can complete the tasks of flight reservation to the calendar management.
“It is an excellent team and will be an important position for (Microsoft Ai) alongside our London's office, which is also growing quickly!” Suleiman Written on LinkedIn.
“Artificial intelligence is still a transformative power, as the sound plays an important role in shaping natural, intuitive and overwhelming reactions,” Tagliasacchi books, books It is LinkedIn.
This step comes amid a fierce battle for talent between competing technological groups to obtain the best talent of Amnesty International.
Suleiman DeepMind left in 2022 to work as an adventure investor, and then established a turning of Amnesty International.
Join Microsoft in March 2024 as part of a deal that brought many Endecte to the American technology giant. Soleyman has rented members of Google DeepMind's AI's health unitIn addition to prominent artificial intelligence researchers such as Nando de Fretas. Google has also lost the best talent of Amnesty International Apple competitor.
Microsoft and Google are among the companies that focus on creating agents through “multimedia” artificial intelligence models, which can analyze the content in sound, videos or images and understand them.
Last year, Openai launched an advanced audio position for Chatgpt, which allowed users, for example, to interact with artificial intelligence in a more natural way. ASTRA ASTRA is scheduled to be launched from Google from Google in 2025, while Amazon seeks to provide Alexa -working Amna International Digital Assistant models.
Google DeepMind rejected the comment.