The American Football Association players rely on their men to protect them in the field. Outside, it is their wives and friends who went up to applause when the fans went out of the line.
This includes some of the most famous wags in the league today. Kylie KillisThe wife of the former Philadelphia Center Jason KilliOften talks about A society that the American Football Association is important I was built around the league – from stars to the practice players.
“We really found that the best way to do this was directly and we say,” hey, if you need anything, we are here throughout the year. “If there is any way I can be help or ( Anything), you need advice about or even if it is just a restaurant recommendation, tell me that. “
The American Football Association's wives and girlfriends are assigned to defend each other, themselves and players in an era in which social media allows the fans easily in the air.
He continued to scroll every time her applauded in the other American Football Association over other fans.