27 January 2025

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Donald Trump has sparked hopes in London that a constructive relationship with the United Kingdom could have been able to establish a “lot” of Sir Kerr Starmer “and that he could travel to Britain on his first foreign trip since his return to the White House.

Trump“He is a liberal, and he is a little different from me, but I think he is a very good person and I think he did a very good job.” Good work so far. “

The positive comments of the US President will strengthen the feeling of Downing Street that Trump is not seeking a confrontation with Starmer, despite previous tensions with the prime minister and senior members of his government.

And the expectations in London are that Trump will not oppose the appointment of Lord Peter Mandleson as a new ambassador to Britain in Washington; He is scheduled to start his position next month.

Starmer's allies also hope that Trump will not do it A controversial deal prevented Britain relinquishes its sovereignty on the Chajos Islands of Mauritius for long -term guarantees over the future of the British -American military base in Diego Garcia.

Trump did not mention the topic when he spoke to Starmer before Christmas, and in his speech on the presidential plane, he told reporters: “This topic was not the number one on my list. I will be honest with you.

The US President told a group of journalists on Saturday evening that he had a good relationship with Starmer. “He represented his country in terms of philosophy,” Trump said.

“I may not agree with his philosophy, but I have a very good relationship with him.” Trump met a stretch for dinner last September in Trump Tower, while the two sides considered it a positive meeting.

In response to a question about the place that he might go on on his first international trip during his second term at the White House, Trump said: “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or the United Kingdom may be. Traditional can be the United Kingdom.

“The last time I went to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia because they agreed to buy US goods worth $ 450 billion.”

Starmer this month R.The old Financial Times newspaper in Kyiv He said his relationship with Trump, despite the many criticisms of the US President by the Labor Party ministers in the past.

Care Starmer with Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski in Kyiv this month © AP

Trump Objected The employees of the Labor Party were involved in the failed presidential campaign for Kamala Harris, while the technology billionaire, Elon Musk – described by Trump as a “waste destroyer” in his administration – Starmer as “tyranny”.

David Lami, British Foreign Secretary, had described Trump earlier as “a socially stubborn person who hates women and sympathizes with the neo -Nazis”, although Lami said that the two had fixed relations at the Trump Tower dinner in September.

Dooning Street did not receive any signal from the Trump team that the President would prevent Mandason from appointing Mandason as a new ambassador to the United Kingdom, despite the previous role of the counterpart as the European Union's commissioner and his close relationships with China. “There is no problem,” said one of the people familiar with the matter.

The Starmer team is also confident that Trump will participate in the US State Department and Pentagon officials that the Chaghus Islands deal is useful for the security of the United States, despite its criticism by US Secretary of State Marco Rubio.

Trump's positive comments on Starmer contradict the one he made since his inauguration on the European Union and Canada, both of which indicated that they may be subjected to punitive definitions.

Jonathan Reynolds, British Minister of Trade, Argue Britain should not be subjected to customs tariffs, given that trade between the United Kingdom and the United States depends mainly on services and widely balanced.

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