A person walking next to the fields at Amazon.com Inc. In Seattle, Washington, on November 14, 2022.
David Ryder Getty Images News | Gety pictures
Amazon She clarifies some employees in their communications and sustainability units, an executive director who supervises the divisions announced internally on Wednesday.
In a note of employees who were seen by CNBC, Drew Hernerner, who supervises public relations, wrote that the company eliminates some jobs in those groups as part of a broader review in the “current design of divisions”.
“When we examined our current Org design and decided the transformations described above, we identified some of the roles that were very limited or that made unnecessary layers, as we were unable to solve the challenge by flattening the structure or converting work loads.” “To address this matter and do the right thing for work, we cancel a small number of roles in communications and sustainability. This is a difficult decision to make and my leadership team and I do not take it slightly.”
Brad Glaser, a spokesman for Amazon, stressed the demobilization of the workers and said in a statement that the discounts in jobs “will help us move faster, increase ownership, enhance our culture, and bring the difference to clients.” Bloomberg I mentioned earlier the job reduction.
Heardner went on to say that the company may appoint some employees for roles in the lower levels, “in other cases, we will redistribute the number of employees to other areas within Org.” Herven said that the Amazon will provide financial support, continuous benefits and help employee job employment.
Amazon reduced more than 27,000 jobs throughout the company in 2022 and 2023 as part of the efforts of CEO Andy Jaci Costs. She had smaller rounds of job discounts in 2024 and It extends this year. The company also continued to reduce some of its experimental or unbearable initiatives, including a “Try before buying” the clothing service and Rapid brick delivery program and mortar shells.
Hernner said that Amazon simplified the sections of communications and sustainability after the organization has grown “in recent years. Heardner has expanded in recent years and is now overseeing the responsibility of companies, which includes the sustainability group.
The Amazon went to the recruitment tournament during the Covid-19 pandem The company is more than 1.5 employees As of the end of the third quarter.
Hervener said that Amazon is also making some changes on its “Hub's strategy” that dictates the offices that it mainly uses, as part of the reorganization. The goal is that there is “more team members working on the same financial location as most of their colleagues and/or their manager.” Heardner said he leaves the matter to his direct reports to clear the logical sites of their teams.
Earlier this month, Amazon It started to demand corporate employees To spend five days a week in the office. In a batch to return employees to the office, some employees were asked to move to the centers in different states. Tell many Amazon CNBC staff After announcing the policy of “returning to Hub” they chose to leave the company instead of moving.
As part of the office authorization for a period of five days, Amazon also set a goal to settle the corporate structure by having fewer managers in each institution.
Amazon has made sustainability greater guidance within the company. It has set ambitious climate goals in 2019, including the commitment to be a neutral carbon by 2040. It also aims to operate its commercial operations with renewable energy sources by 2025, and it collected a group of more than 500 winds and solar energy projects at a level the world.
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