4 February 2025

US President Donald Trump speaks to correspondents at the White House Oval Office on February 3, 2025, in Washington, DC.

Jim Watson AFP | Gety pictures

president Donald Trump On Monday, an executive setting plans for the sovereign wealth fund managed by the government to serve as a tool for economic development and may be used to buy Tiktok.

Among the goals of the fund is to be infrastructure such as airports and highways, and the United States can help expand its influence in areas such as Panama and Greenland.

“We will determine this thing within the next 12 months. We will transfer the side of the assets in the American public budget for the American people,” US Treasury Secretary Scott Beesen said during the media. “There will be a mixture of liquid assets, and the assets we have in this country and we are working to take it out to the American people.”

There were no other details of a box that Trump said during his campaign that “great national efforts.” He said that definitions can help provide financing. Other countries use taxes on natural resources and financial transactions that carbon uses as financing mechanisms.

Trump said the deal in which the United States will become a partner on the social media platform, Tiktok will be one of the possible uses. The application was taken in a non -contact mode in a nutshell amid security concerns, but Trump has signed an order that allows him to return for 75 days, which is likely to have to strip them of Chinese interests.

Although the idea of ​​such an American fund has been put forward before, the smaller countries with vast natural resources as well as financial surpluses – unlike the United States, which were running a huge budget deficit.

The countries that carry funds include China, Norway and Singapore. The American Fund can help compete with these countries and may make the government less dependent on the issuance of treasury debts to raise money.

Norway has the largest sovereign wealth box, with more than $ 1.7 trillion in assets, according to The Sovereign Resources Fund Institute. China Investment Corp follows 1.3 trillion dollars.

These funds are involved in global financial markets through investments in stocks, bonds and real estate, as well as risks in infrastructure and private shares. Critics say that a lack of transparency can lead to conflicts and corruption if there are no strict governance rules.

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