The oldest Lawrence brothers starred alongside their younger brother, Andrew Lawrenceon Brotherhood From 1995 to 1997, while Andrew grew up to be a heart, when he was in the show, he was just a child. However, Joy, who played the role of Joe Roman and Matthew, who played the role of Matt Roman, was a great candy on the network.
Since then, Joy played the championship American dreamsand House operationand Half and a half, Melissa and Joy and Hawaii five -0. It includes his songs in his movie Holiday contractand Ro against a valleyand Office mixand MISTLETOE MIXUP and Pardon the grace. It is also a producer and director. Joy was married Michel Villa From 2002 to 2005. Chandi Yun Nelson In 2005, but she was divorced in 2020. The separate couple shares two children, Charleston and Freedom Girls. we Exclusively confirmed in August 2021 that the actor was working for the actress Samantha cupWho married him in May 2022. Joy welcomed his first child, his daughter Dylan, with a cup in January 2023. Coep submitted a divorce one year after August 2024 but they returned together.
Matthew, for his part, continued to play Jack Hunter The boy meets the world From 1997 to 2000. later appeared in Hot chickand The dog that saved Easterand Desperate waterand Better than love and MISTLETOE MIXUP. He did his first product with the year 2021 A fatal verb. the Mrs. The actor married Sherrill Burke In 2019. we He confirmed in February 2022 that Dancing with stars Pro shot from Matthew after nearly three years of marriage. Matthew moved with Rosonda “hot pepper” Thomas In November 2022.