The former Inspector General of the US Department of Agriculture (the US Department of Agriculture) was taken from its office on Monday after it was “refused to comply” to end it, according to Reuters.
Felis Fung, who worked in the US Department of Agriculture, was separated for 22 years, on Friday, but told her colleagues that she had planned to continue work. At that time, the government employee said she believed that the newly opened Trump administration was incorrectly acting by suddenly launching officials.
In an email obtained by Reuters, Fong said that the CIGIE Inspectors' Council has taken a position that these termination notifications are not compatible with the requirements stipulated in the law and therefore not effective at this time. ”
Fung, who was appointed as a general inspector by President George W. Bush, worked in Seji from 2008 to 2014, after his election is the first chairman of the Council. According to the US Department of Agriculture website, the Fong job as a general inspector included “audit and investigations and other supervision activities related to the US Department of Agriculture programs and operations.”
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The description says: “The Inspector General Office (OIG) provides leadership in enhancing the economy and effectiveness in the programs of the US Department of Agriculture, preventing fraud, waste, and abuse of use.” “The priorities of Mrs. Fung as IG were the focus of Oig's resources on protecting public health and safety related to the mission of the US Department of Agriculture, and improving the management of management and financial integrity programs.”
Since January 20, the President Donald Trump Many government employees have launched dozens of agencies. The October Inspectors are one of the many targeted employees, along with those in Dei roles.
On Saturday, a White House official told Fox News that 17 independent monitoring In various federal agencies, they were sacked late on Friday. The Inspectors of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Energy, in addition to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, worked on the Ministry of Old Warriors Affairs and more.
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at that time , Senator Chuck GrassleyR-LOWA expressed concern that sudden shootings have violated federal law that requires the president to make a 30-day notice to a congressional intention to launch the International Independent Supervision Agency, according to Associated Press.
“There may be a good reason to dismiss IGS. We need to know that if so,” Grasli, head of the Senate Judicial Committee, said in a statement. “I would like to clarify more from President Trump. Regardless, the detailed removal notification for 30 days is that the demands of the law were not submitted to Congress.”
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Fox News Digital Contact Fong, The White House and USDA to comment.
Reuters and Fox News in Lucas Tomlinson and Chris Bandolfo contributed to this report.