31 January 2025

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Chatbot, which extends with Virgin Money, has reprimanded a customer who used the word “Virgin”, which confirms the factors of external artificial intelligence tools.

In the post last week on the social networking site LinkedIn, David Birch, a Fintech commentator and Virgin Money client, shared a picture of his internet conversation with the bank in which he asked: “I have two ISAS with Virgin Money, how can I merge them?”

The bank's customer service tool answered: “Please do not use such words. I will not be able to continue our chat if you use this language,” which indicates that it is considered the word “virgin” inappropriate.

Virgin money I apologize for the error in a statement on LinkedIn and added that there was “more at work than just excluding one word.”

The bank said: “Be reassuring, we are working on it.” “This specific chatbot is the date for the improvements that will come soon to customers.”

The bank refused to comment on its post on LinkedIn.

This incident comes as the high street banks are racing around the United Kingdom AI Tolide Tools in an attempt to allocate their services and increase loyalty.

It also follows NASWIDE's 2.8 billion pounds, sterling acquisition of Mali Virgin last year. The Construction Association has pledged to improve customer satisfaction degrees in the bank. Virgin Money ranked 15th of the sixteenth in the quality of the total service in 2023, according to an industry survey conducted by IPSOS.

Banks have used artificial intelligence and machine learning to push efficiency in the back office areas such as monitoring of transactions for years. But since it was first launched at AI Chatbots two years ago, they also tried the Trucific I intelligence.

There is one concern for lenders is a danger The so -called hallucinationsWhich occurs when Chatbots publishes incorrect information. Canada Airlines has become a warning story of this industry. The airline was forced to compensate a customer after AI Chatbot incorrectly told him that he is entitled to obtain a discount.

One of the people familiar with the situation in Virgin Money said that Mishap occurred in one of the oldest chat, supported by the processing of the basic natural language that was not working in its recent recent models.

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