by Jonathan Clots
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Babylon 5 It occurs in a future full of foreigners, gaps, and ancient warring civilizations, but thanks to the careful work of the creator J. Michael Straczynski, it is rooted in physics and real science. Even the space station in the center of everything uses a real solution physics to colonize space, all thanks to its shape. Using the O'Neill cylinder, the rotary Babylon 5 spacecraft remains one of the most accurate scientifically for zero gravity.
O'Neill Cylinder
O'Neill Cylinder Babylon 5 The uses were created by the physicist Gerard O'Neill in the 1970s as a way to live in deep space. By spinning at a speed of 24 times per hour, the cylinder will simulate gravity on the ground but it is still not clear to those who are distinguished inside the cylinder, which prevents movement of movement on a large scale. Each of the cylinders rotate independently, in opposite two directions, while maintaining the station aimed at the sun (or, in the case of width, Epsilon Erdiani).
Beyond physics behind the O'Neill CD, Babylon 5 Use more Gerard's design, making his vision of an ideal society transmitted by space. Gerard imagines that his theoretical station will be completely self -sufficient, as well as gravity, renewable energy, and the ability to grow food. While the five seasons torn by the war demonstrated that the ideal of the Pubby did not reach 2257, the science did, even if the final design in the chain has some differences.
Habits for human beings and everything else
The original O'Neill cylinder is designed to be much larger than those in Babylon 516 miles, which is enough to house the population of the earth. Just five miles away and one mile, compared to the 20 -mile thought experience, Science fiction Space station is more susceptible to management. Environments are allocated in different sections to support them foreign The types, which require the breath of carbon dioxide or methane for humans to stay inside.
J. Michael Straczynski Think about what life will look at the O'Neill cylinder when he was designing the interior Babylon 5. For this reason, the station center is filled with gardens, and the external parts are more industrial, as some sections revolve on their own, simulating a different level of gravity from the main parts of the Earth. This is also why there are still sections under construction, and as shown in “Gray 13 missing“A complete hidden level of the space station, since Straczynski was causing it to be in a continuous state of repair, dismantling and assembly.
Real science in Babylon 5
Bringing the O'Neill cylinder to life is not the only real knowledge in it Babylon 5as Jumpgates It works on the effect of Doppler, which is why it turns orange while ships move away from them and blue while moving towards it. Even Starfuries appears to use real physics when launched, taking advantage of the centrifugal power of the station to take it faster and more efficient than most of the science fiction fighters. Once it is launched in space, it shows the stars lines to drift, with no attractiveness in space, causing a movement to be constantly moving unless it does a opposite force, the defenses in this case.
The O'Neel cylinder may not be possible today, and it is only present in science fiction, though Babylon 5 It is still the best example of one so far, but like Dyson SPARE, it is an interesting intellectual experience for the future of humanity among stars. It is one of the many ways where J