Only a star Bony Blue Open to men who attend their events in the hope of cheating on their partners.
“That is why my hooks are the best place to cheat is that there are many men (there),” said the 25 -year -old, on Monday, January 27. Tiktok video. “Even if your wife is looking for you, you will not know anyone you ().”
Blue added that the person's partner may not be able to get to know him because they “may see” there “a long time.”
In the video comment, Blue wrote that wearing “wedding rings” “fan” in any of its events.
After one day, Al -Azraq downloaded a Follow Tijook Share her advice to men who decided to cheat on their husbands.
“When you betray your wife, remember to sleep with your wife from time to time,” she said on Tuesday. “I know this is difficult … but if you stop bedroom activities, you will think something is happening.”
Blue noticed the illustrative designation, “Make sure not to make all the moves that teach you on the side” to avoid increasing suspicion.
The social media personality rose to fame earlier this year when she claimed that she was The world record broke After having sex with 1057 men in 12 hours. In the Tiktok video that was published earlier this month, Blue was reflected in the experience, remembering how it started as a series of Collective sex sessions.
She said, “The room was completely full.” Then we did collections of five. Like, one by one. … I wanted to give people more time, so it decreased, for example, on one. Thus, for example, one person was seen when I was with someone (and then) would revolve in this way. “
Blue also gave an insight into how it recovered from the event.
“You don't need a wheelchair. I'm fine,” I participated. “I feel like I am a heavy day in the bedroom. It is exactly what I had.”
Blue went to her Just career After she went divorce from her partner for a long time.
“I used to be married. She said in an episode in October 2024 from the” Grace's rescue “.” We met when I was 13 years old. I separated last year. “
Blue has started building her NSFW brand by sleeping with “Freshers”, which is either virgins or 18 years old. While she appeared to fame, she began holding sex events for university students, but later expanded her customers after one of them brought his father.
“When I saw him with his father for the first time, I thought he would tell me,” she said in the podcast. “No, it was the opposite. He was jealous and wanted to join.”
Blu revealed that she “made” the son and the father “separated” and slept with the son first. The father, who was married, was “adjacent to the same apartment” while he was waiting for his role.