Nick Viall I started the new year with Enhanced focus On his health and well-being.
“I haven't eaten in 36 hours, so this is fun,” the 44-year-old former bachelor said during the Thursday, January 9, episode of his show. “vial files” Podcast. “I started water fasting. I don't recommend it to anyone (and) this isn't a 'do this with me' kind of thing.”
According to Viall, the diet is “supposed to be really healthy” for individuals.
“It's supposed to reduce your chance of getting cancer, it's supposed to be good for inflammation, it's supposed to reduce your chance of getting Alzheimer's and things like that,” Viall said, noting that he first heard about the fad diet from his mother. “Fasting occasionally is supposed to have a lot of health benefits.”
The “water fast” diet—in which participants drink only water, bone broth, or electrolytes—usually lasts one week. But Vial said his “goal is four days.”
“I needed to cleanse and I was Way to eat too much Sugar is more recently explained these days. “I think my diet isn't where it could be or should be. It's the new year, and I was like, 'F-this.' If my mom can do it, why can't I?”
Vial also stressed that his fast is only “temporary.”
“Don’t take my recommendations,” he told podcast listeners. “I'm doing this for me. I don't need feedback from any of you listening – good or bad.
according to HealthlineWater fasting can promote weight loss and reduce the chance of chronic disease but is also associated with risks such as dehydration, orthostatic hypotension, or worsening of pre-existing conditions. (It is not recommended to participate for more than 72 hours).
For Vial, the first hours of fasting were the hardest.
“The first night was tough — and I was fine,” he recalls. “I'm happy now. Last night it sucked so bad. … They said the first 24 hours were hard and I felt really weak and tired.
Vial wife, Natalie Joy, He agreed that he was very “hungry” that evening.
“I'm also struggling because he's been nothing but a bitch all the time to me,” she joked. “He's the most angry person I've ever been around. He's so angry, he's so angry and I'm like, 'You can stop whenever you want!'” Last night in bed, I was like, “Do you want me to boil some eggs for you?” Because this is crazy. “You're being mean to me. It's because you're hungry and I understand that.”
Joy added, “I'll be mean too because I'm mean when I'm hungry, but this is like being really hungry. You can't complain when it's your own doing.”