Jill Goodacre And their three daughters – Georgia28, Sarah Kate27 y Charlotte
After Harry's time as a judge the people
Speaking with the outlet, the New Orleans native said of Australia: “First and foremost, the people are incredibly kind and welcoming. It is a beautiful country. The food there is among the best in the world. It's clean air. فقط نوعية الحياة رائعة. الوتيرة أصبحت مريحة.”
تزوج هاري وزوجته جيل في أبريل 1994، بعد أربع سنوات من لقائهما الأول وبعد عامين من خطبتهما. In 2019, Hope floats The actor spoke Exclusively with Us Weekly
we at that time. “لدينا نفس القيم، لذا من السهل علينا أن نحاول نقلها إلى أطفالنا.”
Harry remembers for a generation During one of his program episodes Harry
“This was the worst ever. “Having the girls sit on my bed and tell them, it traumatized them so much, it was devastating,” she said. “They are clinging to me more now which is really nice. “They were so supportive, they were amazing.”
“I think you may have been stronger than I was,” Harry said on the show. “You determine how we deal with it,” he said on the show. “I'm in awe of your courage.”